07725 948853

About Psychotherapy

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Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is based on the development of a therapeutic relationship between us and to address the deeper, underlying issues that are causing difficulties in your every day life.

The analytic process provides a pause, or multiple pauses, in your week to dedicate time to reflect on yourself and, over time, make changes in your life and in the way you see yourself and others. The pace and depth of work is mutually agreed and reviewed when appropriate.

When appropriate I also offer brief psychodynamic psychotherapy. 

The sessions

We will meet once or multiple times a week if appropriate, for 50 minutes each time. Low-cost places may be available.

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a therapeutic process which helps understand and resolve presenting problems by increasing awareness of the inner world. This happens by reflecting on experiences and relationships both past and present to identify the deeper and unconscious roots of the presenting problems.


Fees vary depending on the frequency of the sessions and start at £85 for once weekly sessions. Missed and cancelled sessions are charged however I will always endeavour to reschedule the session on a different day if possible. Breaks in the therapy account for approximately 8-10 weeks a year, during Christmas, Easter and summer time.

We all need psychoanalysis’, Susanna Rustin – The Guardian

Reasons for living’, Adam Phillips, London Review of Books 

‘An Ecosystem of Displacement’, Eva De Marchi, New Associations

The efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy’, Jonathan Shedler – American Psychological Association

7 Principles of Psychoanalytic psychotherapy‘, Jonathan Shedler, YouTube Video



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